Rich and I went to Bidean Nam Bian and the cold I picked up in spain had me hacking and coughing all day long. Such a stunning day was not to be denied however and I've wanted to do West Chimney (IV/V, 6- depending on your guidebook) for years and today was the day. A predawn start and a fast steep walk in by head torch took us up into the coire beneath Stob Coire Nam Beith where the path was covered in firm refrozen snow. As we got higher the effects of the more continuous cold temperatures told and the snow became less consolidated. Rich said he wanted breaking in gently (actually I don't think he wanted to scratch his shiney new Grivel tools or stretch his new BD Spinner leash) so I led the first pitch up a ramp covered in poor snow and then under and over the 3 chockstones. Rich then led up through the 15m tunnel (not one for the large- good job I've lost weight) to a comfy belay ledge for 11ses. I cut back right for some more excellent sustained diging for hooks in the continuation of the chimney. Round above the spectacular arch the crux Raeburns Chimney was also mine- excellent climbing, a real pleasure. As I brought Rich up Andy (who climbed un Poco Loco yesterday) appeared on the main ridge to Bidean and shouted a warning that the normal finish was iceless and awkward and sugested a more direct route. Rich led us up to finish in the last of the sun with stunning views all around. I coughed and spluttered my way down to the car- that descent always takes forever!
Monday, 30 November 2009
Man Flu on Bidean
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Home again
Today a late cancellation meant Glenmore Lodge had insuficient numbers for the CWA Assessment I was supposed to be directing to run. So I did a refresher session for Tom on the walls there as it snowed outside. Busy week ahead with a Workshop on the new CWA Leading Award at Ratho on Wednesday, a day's pre-winter Staff Training at the Lodge and a DofE Assessors course.
Friday, 20 November 2009
MTB in the Lakes and KMF
For those looking ahead to winter I've contributed some information to Dave Macleod's Article on Ben Nevis on UKC (info. on beginners' routes and descents).
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Above are some pics of a great pair of historical EB climbing shoes I saw at The Ice Factor whilst finishing off a CWA Training last night- funky eh?
Last but not least the heavy rain last night translated to a good low blanket of fresh white stuff on the Lochaber hills (down even on some 750m topes). Kenny and I enjoyed the views whilst tearing round the Annat loop today.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Today in lochaber and Far from Help First Aid Course
There are spaces left on a Far From Help first Aid course at Glenmore Lodge (details below). For anyone undertaking remote overseas expeditions this is an excellent way of adding to your UK based First Aid knowledge.
Wilderness Medical Training: Far From Help Course
Far From Help is WMTs foundation course focusing on the core medical skills of diagnosing and treating a range of injury and illness conditions, including problems relating to hot, cold, high and tropical environments. The use of prescription medications such as antibiotics and painkillers is included (for use only in remote, foreign settings). FFH is outside the scope of the HSE but it fulfills the first aid course requirements of NGB Awards. This is certainly not a basic course by any standard - it provides a solid, stand alone knowledge base and is also a good platform to carry on to WMT's next level of training. It is ideal for mountaineers working in remote environments who require more than just the basics.
Venue: Glenmore Lodge
Start: 0900 Saturday 28th Nov
Finish: 1730 Sunday 29th Nov
Price: £252 non-residential/£318 residential
Further details and booking:
Wilderness Medical Training: Far From Help Course
Far From Help is WMTs foundation course focusing on the core medical skills of diagnosing and treating a range of injury and illness conditions, including problems relating to hot, cold, high and tropical environments. The use of prescription medications such as antibiotics and painkillers is included (for use only in remote, foreign settings). FFH is outside the scope of the HSE but it fulfills the first aid course requirements of NGB Awards. This is certainly not a basic course by any standard - it provides a solid, stand alone knowledge base and is also a good platform to carry on to WMT's next level of training. It is ideal for mountaineers working in remote environments who require more than just the basics.
Venue: Glenmore Lodge
Start: 0900 Saturday 28th Nov
Finish: 1730 Sunday 29th Nov
Price: £252 non-residential/£318 residential
Further details and booking:
Monday, 16 November 2009
Rest for me ... but Tooling Comp on Sat. for some!

Today from the top of the Annat loop I got these views of Ben Nevis. Looks like the same wet snow on ledges and edges and black cliffs (even the top of NO.3 Gully Buttress looks quite black in these pics).
Whilst I'm in Kendal at the weekend don't forget:
Scottish Tooling Series Round 4
Glenmore Lodge
Round 4 of this year's Scottish Tooling Series will be at Glenmore Lodge on Saturday (21st November). The qualifiers will be held on the 2 granite towers in the grounds. The towers provide a realistic experience of Cairngorm mixed climbing and competitiors will need to wear crampons.
Throughout the day Andy Turner will be running beginner and masterclass tooling workshops and he is also going to present a lecture after the qualifiers at approx. 5pm.
Places for the comps and workshops still available- prebooking advised. Call Glenmore Lodge on 01479 861256 for more info or check out
Sharpen your tools and have fun on Saturday!
Sunday, 15 November 2009
MCofS Seminar Day 2
Views of the Cairngorms showed a reduced snowcover- very lean looking.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
MCofS Student Seminar Day 1
Friday, 13 November 2009
Day off and heading East
Thursday, 12 November 2009
On the Bike, at the Ice Factor and CWA Training
This afternoon I'm doing some training for Duty Managers at The Ice Factor and then this evening is part 2 of the CWA Training.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Recovery and CWA Training
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Sick as a dog....
I spent the day retching and assessing 2 Second years from Lochaber College's Adventure Tourism Degree course on their rock climbing at Duntelchaig. Fortunately after intial rain the weather cleared and Lee and Craig had no problems- making life easy for me. Off to crawl into bed feeling sorry for myself now :-(
Monday, 9 November 2009
North East Buttress, Ben Nevis
Today Nick and I went to climb North East Buttress on Ben Nevis. A hard frost in the glens was reversed higher up as we experienced warmer air from a temperature inversion near the CIC hut. We were shaded under the north face but there was blue sky above and we even caught a little sun as we traversed to the first platform. At least 2 parties have done the route in the last couple of days and the snow has settled and refrozen in places. This meant we followed footprints rather than having to clear everything ourselves. We had some refrozen snow and turf solid enough to take a good swing of the pick but also a lot of fresh thin glassy ice choking cracks from thaw and refreezeing. As we tackled the mantrap high on the route a Royal Naval Sea King helicopter circled the top of the mountain. Later when we topped out we could see where a flare had been used on the summit so I don't know if it was picking someone up or even part of a rescue. On our descent we passed a couple of guys who had had a good traverse of the Carn Mor Dearg Arete and we found ourselves in the wind we had been sheltered from all day. This wind had deposited impressive drifts of snow on the zizags of the bridle track- several feet deep and blocking half the width of the path. So less snow but more consolidation. Plenty of bare rock but also verglas in cracks.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
More snow

Have fun. I'm off to Inverness for the Scottish Arctic Club Annual Supper so wont be on the hill today or tomorrow- next out monday.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Wet snow on Ledge Route
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Hard work on Tower ridge
Today Jamie and I went to Ben Nevis. Jamie has indoor climbing experience and wanted to see something gnarly from a day's mountaineering in Scotland- he wasn't disappointed! The torential rain at sea level last night fell as a large dump of snow above 700m. After a stiff walk in to the CIC the snow began pretty much as we hit the ridge and it was deep in places. In fact above 750m every groove, hollow and flat ledge on Tower Ridge held betwen 1 and 2 feet of fresh powder- I began digging.... Under the snow or on walls, in cracks and on bare rock moisture had frozen to a fine coating of verglas. The axe and crampons were definitely needed today and Jamie did superbly giving 110% to wade and slide his way up the ridge in very tough conditions. The tat round the block at the gap was frozen to the rock in 1 big icey lump but even that high there was water beneath the ice at 2pm. On the summit plateau there was calf deep fresh snow and people had been following the re-located cairns (see: MCofS for details) leaving a fine trail to the summit. Stunning inversions and late afternoon light on descent.
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