Friday 11 July 2008

Pollbubh Climbing

Today I took Lindsay for her first day's climbing on real rock. She has been climbing for a few months at Alien Rock in Edinburgh and wanted to find out what its like outside. We went to Glen Nevis and the weather was quite kind to us - mostly dry with a little breeze to keep the midges down. We looked at belaying the leader, placing and removing gear, grades and routes and soon Lindsay was building her own belays. we climbed Pinnacle Ridge (Severe) in 3 pitches, 3 Pines (Hard V Diff) in 2 and Right Wall of Styx Butress (V Diff) in 2. Lindsay was climbing well and placing gear well enough that she then led a pitch of The Gutter (Diff) and followed me up a pitch of Pine Wall (HS) before finishing the day with a (rather wet) ascent of Tear HS. 11 pitches of climbing - not bad for her first day!

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