Saturday 30 August 2014

The west face of Aonach Dubh with MIA Trainees

After a week with sick kids followed by sick mum and dad it was nice to be back on the hill today working for AMI with Dan and Sam who are both trainee MIAs working towards Assessment. We were looking at mountaineering today and moving 1 or 2 students effectively up, across and down the UK mountain environment. Both of the guys got plenty of time to polish their short roping but there was also a lot of non rope management to talk through and plenty of top both environmental input to. To give both of them a variety of terrain to work on and some new ground we went to the West face of Aonach Dubh; up B Buttress, along the first terrace to the amphitheatre then back north along the upper terrace (part of Rhyolite Romp) until we could drop back down the south side of Dinnertime Buttress. Spectacular scenery and a real lost world feel and after initial rain it dried up nicely!
A debrief in Crafts and Things over brews and banoffee pie to finish the day. Always interesting to work these workshops as it lets me stretch my brain to really understand why I do things the way I do and find ways to coach this effectively to new MIs.

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