Thursday 5 November 2015

IML Ropework

Today we were out and about at the Ciste Crag putting the Glenmore Lodge IML Trainees through their paces on rope work. The IML needs the skills of the British Summer ML and also to deal with small sections of fixed gear on recognised walking routes, to deal with short steep approaches to Alpine Huts and other unexpected difficulties on otherwise non technical trekking ground.
We went up, we went down, we moved with students and separately, we belayed them up landlines and down short steps. Blustery and windy throughout but plenty of fun and laughs had (see below).
 Italian hitch
 Trickier than it looks
 Caution, loose rock
 Belayed up a hand line
 IML Trainees do selfies
 Ladies being a bit odd
 Beyond help
 Dan looking focussed
 Queueing for the slab
Time spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted

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