Saturday 22 January 2011

Back in Scotland

Back in Scotland seeing Sandy and Jane for a day. But before we left to tackle the horrible traffic around Oslo Heather, Mark and I tried to grab a quick ascent of Vermorkbrufoss West at dawn. Unfortunately as Mark was about a third of the way up there was a release of water above and he got a soaking. He was drilling an abalakov to retreat but it filled with slush and water as fast as he could drill it! Oh well.
Tonight I have to be back at Glenmore Lodge to start work on a Winter Mountain Leader Training Course for the next week.

Rjukan 21 Jan 2011 from Alan Halewood on Vimeo.


Peter Duggan said...

WML training? You're not teaching Isi again, are you?

Alan said...

Yep, there is no escape!