Monday 24 September 2012

Have you got a problem?

Today Matt was back. After his climbing MOT back in July he wanted a day looking at avoiding and solving potential problems he might come across in his personal climbing.

Looking autumnal in the Alp (Joint Services Instructors at work)
 Matt racing up Pinnacle Ridge
Building a bomber belay 
 Topping out on Pinnacle Ridge
 Styx Buttress Right Wall
 Unassisted hoist
We were enjoying the fact that the NW of Scotland was missing the worst of the weather again. We had a little light drizzle (not enough to make the rock wet) and it was cold but it was fine for climbing. Matt led Murray up Pinncal Ridge in 3 pitches, Styx Buttress Right Wall in 2 and did 2 more pitches on the Gutter. On the way we built on his existing knowledge and looked at what to do when you drop your belay plate, when partner can't make a move or have a minor injury impacting on their ability to climb (hoists and lowering), how to use his new ATC Guide in 'guide mode' and how to release it under load, retreating from the crag and options with a jammed abseil rope and finally a worst case scenario where he needed to get to an incapacitated partner. His head must be buzzing!!

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