Monday 26 January 2015

MTA Winter Weekend

I've just spent the weekend working at Glenmore Lodge on the Mountain Training Association Winter Weekend. 45 members attended to learn and refresh skills based around the Scottish winter environment.
On saturday I was out looking at how we can teach winter skills and the cold conditions firmed up the snow pack nicely for that. My team varied from those who did their WML some time ago to folks with Assessment in the future and we had a fun time looking at how we can help students pick up basic skills for travelling in the winter.
On saturday night Matt and his team in the kitchens treated us to a particularly fine Burns supper and Phil's 'Ode to a haggis' raised some suitable confused English eyebrows!
Sunday was Wetter and soggier but I was working with Sam and another varied group of 8 (9 if you include the SARDA hound) looking at the security on steep ground aspects of the WML syllabus. The snow was damp but the banter was great!
Staying at The Lodge this week working on a WML Assessment. Snowholing nights beckon!
Finally I don't know who left the bottle of whiskey for me at the front desk but thanks very much!
 George Intro's saturday
 Peer coaching step cutting
 Sara hits the deck
 'How do I get up?'
 Crampon games
 Silly walks
 Heading for home
 Tying knots with gloves
 Preparing a short steep step
 Helen looking for her dog
 Confidence roping
 Sam takes a seat
 Building a better bucket
 The Ciste Gully
Aw shucks
 Phil, his dirk and a haggis
Brun's supper

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